There's a FOOD REVOLUTION on the way! It's coming directly from the OCEAN....

Sea moss, Eucheuma cottonii, is part of the Red Algae or Rhodophyta species which contains a variety of about 5000–6000 species globally.
Since beginning our journey in the sea moss business, we've been fascinated by the possibilities of this ocean plant. Not only can it nourish your body as a nutrient-rich food but helps oceanic health if harvested sustainably. What's exciting is the scientific research and data backing the benefits to both!
Seaweed is an incredible natural resource, that provides solutions to the environmental and social economic challenges we currently face worldwide.
Food source
According to the Safe Seaweed Coalition "seaweed can add 10% to the world’s present supply of food using just 0.03% of the oceans’ surface." And, according to the Sustainable Footprint, seaweeds can feed up to 12 billion people worldwide. As stated by Vincent Doumeizel, a senior advisor on ocean-based solutions at the UN Global Compact, and an evangelist for seaweed “By farming just two per cent of the ocean, we could provide enough protein to feed a world population of 12 billion people. Seaweed is extremely protein rich, low in fat, low in carbohydrates, and rich in vitamins, zinc and iron”"

Carbon Creators and Capturers
Not only can many species of seaweeds feed us, but they also provide 50% of the oxygen we breath! "Seaweed and microscopic algae is responsible for 50% of photosynthesis on Earth." ANDDDD wait it gets better!! Not only do they produce oxygen, but they also capture carbon from the atmosphere and nitrogen that enters the ocean! "By 2050, seaweed production could absorb 135m tons of CO2 a year and 30% of all nitrogen entering the oceans from land-based pollution."
This is the reason why seaweed cultivation was added to Project Drawdowns as a climate solution... Globally, we are facing many tipping points in which we must all come together to accelerate change by supporting solutions such as sea moss harvesting.
Things you can do to help, you ask? Support businesses that have direct relationships with local sea moss farmers. Pay them their premium prices because this work is HARD, trust me!!! Even if that means paying a little extra $ for your sea moss... Support your small businesses... WOAHHH big MUST! Our BUYING POWER IS THE MOST RADICAL THING WE CAN DO IN CREATING CHANGE!!! LASTLY, purchase products that have a circular cycle meaning they come from the Earth and go back to the Earth in their most natural state.
If we're going to make changes, we must all unite & work together to accelerate the lessening our impact on the planet. Subscribe to stay tuned...